Swings + Roundabouts Summer 2023

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR Teaching Staff All events are hosted online via Zoom and run for two hours The Early Childhood Council have brought together experts from the ECE sector to deliver unique and valuable learning opportunities for teaching staff. $70 for ECC Members $140 for non members LIMITED SPACES AT EACHWORKSHOP REGISTER NOW VISIT BIT.LY/ECCTIX OR CONTACT EVENTS@ECC.ORG.NZ 02 Understanding the background and purpose of the NELP priorities and how they relate to daily teaching practice. THE NELP IN PRACTICE F EB Presented by Katina Beauchamp 16 Unpacking the purpose and content of the Te Kōrerorero resource and making a direct connection to priority four of the NELP. INTRODUCTION TO TE KORERORERO F EB Presented by Del Costello 23 For aspiring leaders looking to take the next step in their ECE leadership journey, Learn critical skills and build the confidence you need to succeed. ASPIRING LEADERS: PATH TO EXCELLENCE F EB Presented by Nikki Joyce 22 How can you use the He Mapuna Te Tamaiti resource to create a supportive learning environment which promotes social and emotional competence. HE MAPUNA TE TAMAITI MAR Presented by Julie Houghton-Katipa 12 Learn how you can promote emotional resilience in tamariki by introducing gardening to your curriculum, EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE VIA GARDENING AP R Presented by Anita Croft 26 Learn about what neurodiversity is, how it affects our tamariki and how you can support neurodiverse tamariki in your centre. NEURODIVERSITY AP R Presented by Julie Houghton-Katipa 03 Learn how to respond to cultural diversity to create an inclusive and responsive learning environment. CULTURAL CAPABILITY MAY Presented by Del Costello and Rosina Wikaira 15 An alternative approach to Teacher Observation, measuring improvement and building a strong learning focused culture. LOOKING FOR LEARNING MAR Presented by Melody Stuckey 01 In this workshop, we delve in to the power of the language used by kaiako to describe and justify disabled tamariki and the wider effects of this. DISABLED TAMARIKI: THE POWER OF LANGUAGE MAR Presented by Kate McAnelly