Swings + Roundabouts Winter 2021

It feels like that moment when you sense you are at the tip of something huge that is about to happen, but you feel slightly apprehensive, as you are not quite sure how this change will pan out. Change within the early childhood profession is definitely afoot, and it feels positive and exciting with the start of pay parity becoming more of a reality for early childhood teachers and a review of the ECE funding system. Hopefully pay parity will influence higher retention within ECE and become a more attractive profession to train in, and overtime reduce our current teaching shortages. Unfortunately, it’s not a quick fix and we may not have everything on our wish list from this budget, but it does feel finally, as a wider group, that we are being somewhat being recognised and valued within the teaching profession. To read more about the direction ECE is heading, as well as recent Ministry of Education announcements go to the CEO’s Message on page 8 and for more on the budget go to page 10. Many early learning centres have been struggling for years due to a decade long funding freeze which hasn’t allocated for ongoing inflation. These financial woes have continued for most ECE providers over the last year due to COVID19. Phil Sales, on page 22, offers same sage financial advice in his article, Survival and success by beating the odds . Check it out! There are many elements on why a business succeeds or not, with leadership being one of the core foundations whether a business succeeds or fails. For some further insight on leadership head to page 26 to read the five essential practices required to lead with an infinite mindset in How our mindset influences sustainability . If you are feeling the winter blues, you could try improving your vitamin D intake by bundling up and heading outside with your tamariki, who just don’t seem to feel the cold like adults do. Plus, playing outside is beneficial for many varied reasons. Head to page 30 and find out what benefits your tamariki are reaping as they play outdoors. Gender and equity are often in the media these days, so what is the research telling us about children’s ambitions, when adults ask them: What do you want to be when you grow up? Are we expanding all children’s aspirations and ambitions (regardless of gender) so they can aspire to be whatever they want? Go to page 34 to find out more He Māpuna te Tamaiti Supporting Social and Emotional Competence in Early Learning (Ministry of Education, 2019) describes emotional competence as being a foundation in supporting children’s success in learning and relationships and which is vital for their wellbeing. Also highlighted is the role kaiako have in supporting children to understand, express, and regulate their emotions. To read more go to page 36. Thank you to our winter contributors, your support is always appreciated. If you’d like to contribute an article to Swings & Roundabouts, we’d love to hear from you. We like to share positive ECE teaching and management stories to inspire and inform our readers. All topics considered. Ngā mihi Trudi SutcliffeEditor EDITOR FROM THE Specialised business insurance for over 1500 childcare centres Get your insurance sorted 0800 765 429 childproof.co.nz June 2021 { 7 }