Memberships for individual or group for just $190 per year Would you love to instantly access videos, interviews and articles to support your current challenges, inquiry or evaluation? Could your team benefit from 24/7 access to an ever-expanding library of videos, articles, and interviews? Would you enjoy the many benefits of watching, listening and reading from the comfort of your own home or together as a team at your service? For just $190 annually, your whole team will enjoy the benefits of access to: • Interviews with insightful ECE legends such as Nathan Wallis, Dr. Kathryn Murray, Rusty Keeler, Kathryn Burkett and Dr. Andi Salamon. • A constantly expanding library of early childhood specific articles covering such subjects as settling families, teaching as inquiry, intentional language, practical ideas and so much more. • A massive range of short videos that cover subjects such as team building, leadership, rituals, mat time, Te Whāriki, toddler behaviours, wellbeing, environment design, Dr.Bob, zentangle, loose parts, risk, resilience, RIE/ Pikler inspiration, superheroes, villians and weapon play. Just one membership is required and your whole team can log on individually from home or during research time. Similarly videos and interviews can be viewed together as a team at meetings. Here’s what other AYP members have enjoyed and how they are using the platform… “I lead a team of over twenty Kaiako and we explore one article/interview or video each month as homework. Everyone can read or view in their own time and from their own devices so that we can bring back our learning for discussion at our next meeting.” “This platform is easy to use and the videos are all so fun and lively it makes learning and growing in my role as kaiako fun and easy.” “We watch together as a team at meetings and the content always sparks lively discussion and professional learning.” “I go straight there when I need to find articles for parents or to support my inquiry or evaluation topic.” “The whole thing has been organised in such a way that it’s easy to find what I’m looking for when I log in.” We add new content each month and notify our members of what is new online. There are simple search tools and clustered subjects to make navigation simple. Don’t delay, join today, and give you and your team the many benefits of this valuable membership.