INNOVATION Duties and Responsibilities of ECE employers as per the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 – Nicholas Matzopoulos This workshop will cover aspects on the Prevention of Back Injury – Manual Handling including Legislation overview, Responsibilities of the PCBU, Responsibilities of the Officer and Responsibilities of the workers. Nicholas is the National Trainer Director for SafetynAction, managing a team of around 30 Trainers nationwide. Reducing workload and utilising the tools at hand – Emma Black Learn to identify the tools you have at hand (including people and capacity) and how to use these to the best of your ability to reduce workload for your teams. Emma has worked in HR and Health & Safety for over two decades including ECE. Emma is one of the owners & founders of SafetyNest. Attracting the right families and staff - Kathryn McGarvey Learn the importance of a strong brand and how to position yourself as the obvious choice for childcare. Gather ideas to convert enquiries and visits into enrolments and how enrolled families can do your marketing for you. Kathryn (The Meaningful Marketing Company) helps businesses to craft marketing strategies and develop marketing plans that are simple to implement AND get results. Wellbeing and selfcare for adults in early childhood education – Frances Van Dillen capabilities. Christina is the Centre Director of Wellington Childcare, and completed her Doctorate in Education exploring how educational leadership is practiced through internal evaluation processes in ECE. Personality profiling as a team and management tool – David Trim Discover your own personality profile and how to use personality profiling to get the best team on board. David Trim is an innovative and inspirational business development specialist. He works with organisational leaders to build high performance teams and leaders. AGENCIES, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS Workshops from ERO, Ministry of Education, Te Rito Maioha and Teaching Council of New Zealand are also part of the workshop programme. For more information about each workshop and presenter, head to the ECC website, ECC Conference, Category?Action=View&Category_id=628 Learn strategies for emotional wellbeing and coping with constant change, dealing with emotions to avoid compassionate burnout and explore your response to challenges and taking risks. Frances (Onward Consultants) has taught in both Primary and Early Childhood and is a Provider of Professional Development for the MoE, along with private work across education and health. TEAMS AND LEADERSHIP What is neurodiversity? – Kathryn Berkett This workshop is an opportunity to extend on the keynote subject from Friday and ask questions in order to unpack the information for you and your practice. Kathryn has her Masters in Educational Psychology, and has certified as a Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. Kathryn has extensive experience in understanding how trauma can impact on development. Strength, courage & wisdom: a valuesbased approach to leadership – Toni Christie This workshop will explore our individual and shared values, the possibilities for developing team agreements, a shared kaupapa, and how our values manifest in the practical and lived experience of the teams we lead. Toni Christie is the Director of the Childspace Early Childhood Institute in Wellington. Providing the right conditions for your team to succeed: a supportive workplace culture – Dr Christina Egan Marnell This workshop discusses how to support teachers to identify as leaders, practise leadership and build their leadership Professional Growth Cycle – Professional Growth that makes a difference - Jayne Franklin & Simon Cottle How ERO reviews the NELP - Sandra Collins Licensing Championing Emotional Competence - Gwen Davitt June 2022 { 26 }