Swings + Roundabouts Winter 2022

Elephant Island By Leo Timmers Gecko Press; RRP: $29.99 Hardback Elephant Island will by enjoyed by many tamariki 3 + due to the many layers this book offers to young children, from the humorous text, the ever-expanding island on each page, the resourcefulness of Arnold, the elephant shipwrecked on the tiny island, the role of working together and teamwork to build community and the overall acceptance of others, even when someone does wreck your ship! The book’s vibrant and busy visuals alone will capture young imaginations as they discover more on each read, especially with each mechanical construction. Ko WAI KEI TE papa tākaro? Who is at the playground? Written by Te Ataakura Pewhairangi Photographs by Jane Ussher Massey University Press; RRP: $22.99 Board book Ko wai kei te papa tākaro? follows the popular board book, Kei te aha ngā kararehe? What are the animals doing? There are two versions of the book, one being bilingual, the other being in Māori only. One of the advantages of both these books is the question-and-answer format allowing for new vocabulary and simple sentences to be introduced, alongside repetitive answers for tamariki to underpin this learning. With the books being formatted as a board book it allows tamariki of all ages to enjoy and access high quality te reo Māori resources for all the whānau. I also loved the fact that photography was used allowing for many tamariki to see themselves within the pages. Tractor Written by Sally Sutton Illustrated by Brian Lovelock Walker Books; RRP: $27.99 Hardback Tractor is the latest addition to the ROADWORKS series. This time the series explores machinery used in farm work from planting the seeds to harvesting the corn. Using rhythmic words and rhyme the book is perfect for reading aloud to children 2+. This series has informed many young readers on the correct machine terminology and this book is no different. Tamariki from rural areas will enjoy the recognition of familiar sights and all other tamariki especially those who are machine-obsessed will enjoy the question-answer format. The Love That Grew Written by Sarah Ayoub Illustrated by Mimi Purnell HarperCollins Publishers; RRP: $22.99 Hardback This is a book that celebrates families and how expansive our hearts are, expanding as our family grows in size. Although there is a mother at the core of the illustrations, the text isn’t explicit allowing for a wide variety of interpretations as children seek to see themselves and their own families within the book, including young children who have a new sibling, from new-borns to adopted or step–siblings. The core family in the illustrations include a mother and three children, with some differences to hair and skin colour which supports the ambiguous text. The illustrations allow many children to see themselves and their own family dynamics within the pages. A book for children 3+. June 2022 { 39 }