International Teacher Recruitment Experts THE EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE A NEW PREFERRED SUPPLIER ARRANGEMENT WITH CANDIDEX, NEW ZEALAND’S INTERNATIONAL ECE RECRUITMENT EXPERTS. Candidex is an educator-first recruitment agency based in Wellington, with a special interest in the early learning sector. Candidex, founded by Chris White and Wayne Sullivan, connect international educators with ECE providers in New Zealand via an innovative and fit-for-purpose recruitment solution. HOW DOES IT WORK? The way Candidex operate is simple, honest and direct, with ECE providers and teachers at the heart of what they do. Chris and Wayne take great care to ensure a high level of success for providers in recruiting teachers from the international market. Some of the services that Candidex offer include, but are not limited to: ● Advertising and international marketing campaigns. ● Sourcing and screening of candidates from a variety of countries, many of whom are visited personally by Candidex staff. ● Support with formal teacher interviews. ● Robust digital reference checking. ● Immigration support for candidates via a partnership with specialist company ‘Mobile Relocations’. ● Ongoing communication with providers and candidates to ensure longterm satisfaction of teacher placements. ● A replacement guarantee if an international teacher vacates the role within 12 months. WHICH SUBSCRIPTION WILL BE RIGHT FOR YOU? Candidex offer a range of subscription models to suit the recruitment needs of diverse early learning services. While a BESPOKE model for large providers is not an entirely new concept, Chris and Wayne identified a lack of options for smaller providers with 1-5 centres. New categories have been designed with this group in mind, affording a service to them that would otherwise be inaccessible. The image below illustrates the Candidex subscription models available. It is important that Candidex undertake a thorough initial consultation to talk through recruitment needs so that they can develop a genuine understanding of their clients and offer the best possible recruitment solution. Subscriptions have been designed to operate as an extension of your business, providing workforce insurance when you need it most. Boasting the addition of a 12 month replacement guarantee, Candidex makes an otherwise complex process easy and painless for providers. ESSENTIALS for small providers (1-2 centres) 1 teacher placement per year TAILORED for medium providers (2-5 centre) 5-12 teacher placements per year BESPOKE for large providers (6 or more centres) Determined by resource requirements June 2023 { 12 }