Each child’s learning, development and safety is a priority in Playground ECC Conference 2023 Premium Sponsor Playground is the best tool for teachers, simplifying the tedious and complex tasks of documenting observations, tracking child safety and ensuring compliance. Teachers can capture a child's learning moments in real time to avoid missing milestones and important moments. Updates, edits, insights and reflections can be added after the session when educators have more time. Create visually appealing reports and planning documents for better tracking and reporting on each child's learning progress. Essential Observations and Documentation Convenient Programming and Planning Enrich your initial observations with easy-to-use tools to better monitor and complete the learning cycle. Quickly create visual planning documents to track, present and report on learning outcomes using Canvas. Track learning outcomes and share reports with families by creating structured planning documents in Playground tables. Questions? Call us at 09 925 0462 Easier childcare administration. try.discoverchildcare.co.nz Efficient Health and Safety Tracking Educators can add health events to individual child profiles or bulk-add items for multiple children. Digital incident reports record time and location, type of injury or illness, location on the body, circumstances, cause, symptoms and actions taken. Record transport lists, health events, head counts and emergency evacuation drills—stored in the cloud and easily accessed. Direct Line to Parents Seamless communication enhances collaboration between teachers and families—fostering a nurturing environment for children. Direct messaging opens doors to family consultation, active communication and stronger partnerships. With the Home app, parents can provide educators with regular updates—more focussed and personalised care for each child.