Swings & Roundabouts is going online Sue Kurtovich shares the history of Swings & Roundabouts: One of the primary purposes of the ECC is to provide useful, timely, accurate, and relevant information to the membership. In the early days of the ECC, before email, websites and other online information sources, Swings & Roundabouts was our flagship publication to keep members informed. Swings & Roundabouts started as a single-page newsletter, written, printed, enveloped and sent out regularly to members by a group of volunteers. As ECC grew and paid staff were employed, Swings & Roundabouts was developed into a full colour quarterly magazine. At the same time a new publication called the Executive Diary was introduced, to ensure ECC could still communicate critical information to members in a timely fashion. Originally all the work to produce the magazine, including sourcing advertising was done in-house by magazine editor Sarah Ellich. Printing was then done off-site, with boxes of the magazines delivered to the ECC National Office for enveloping, a job usually done by a team of schoolage children of ECC staff and board members. I recall many a fun Friday afternoons, stuffing envelopes, then loading them into the boot of my car to get them to the Post Office in time for the 6.00pm mail deadline. Modern technology has provided us with so many easier options for communicating – and it is now time for Swings & Roundabouts to move into a new on-line format. I am so pleased that the original name is being retained – it reflects so much history of the ECC. This Winter issue of Swings & Roundabouts is the last quarterly issue of the printed magazine, with the first online issue of Swings & Roundabouts delivered to your inbox this coming September. The magazine will continue to be published once yearly. With the ease of technology the magazine can be delivered more often - rather than quarterly – giving you its readers more up-to-date information more often. Sign up to the online issue here. July 2024 { 12 }