ECC Conference 2024 Workshops Anita Croft: Enrich tamariki wellbeing through gardening This workshop will delve into the benefits of gardening for the health and well-being of children, as well as examine the wider benefits for their learning and development and provide practical ideas for engaging tamariki in gardening. Anita Croft, Founder of Growing Kiwi Gardeners. Policy and Regulation Update In this workshop, participants will receive a detailed briefing on the most recent changes to legislation, licensing requirements, and compliance standards affecting ECE providers in New Zealand. We will equip you with the tools and strategies to ensure understanding and compliance of the requirements, so you can continue to deliver exceptional education and care. The session will also provide insight on changes to be expected in the future, and how you can best prepare for these. The Early Childhood Council is the leading body for childcare centre owners and managers in the ECE sector, proudly representing more than 1,300 independently owned and operated centres across New Zealand. Caro Rieger: Identifying and addressing workplace issues Navigating your way through employment issues can often be challenging as there are a variety of processes, which need to be followed to address these issues. Being able to recognise, understand and appropriately address these issues is key to fostering and maintaining a safe, productive, and cohesive working environment. This interactive workshop will give you the confidence and knowledge to identify and address employment issues appropriately. Topics the workshop cover include: performance concerns, misconduct/serious misconduct, relational issues, and absence and long term or ongoing illness and injury. This workshop will help you identify and discuss the different processes available. Caro Rieger, Director and Principal Lawyer at Black Door Law. We are proud to present a diverse range of professional development at the conference, with workshops suitable for all. Learn from best in fields as industry experts share their unique insights and knowledge with you. These workshops are tailored for the ECE sector so you know you will walk away with relevant strategies and skills to succeed. July 2024 { 26 }