Swings + Roundabouts Winter 2024

We also love these fun and easy sensory play ideas: Taste Safe Foam (Aquafaba) You'll need: ● 1 x tin of chickpeas ● ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar ● A few drops of food colouring (optional) Drain the tin of chickpeas, reserving the liquid. Then add cream of tartar and a few drops of food colouring (if using) to the liquid. Beat on high speed with an electric mixer until it turns to foam. Put the foam into a sensory bin or large container and let your children explore. Sensory Feet Play Children can learn so much by using their feet including identifying textures and temperatures, testing materials and balancing. Why not give these ideas a go? ● Sensory footpath – a sensory walk made up of a collection of items such as bubble wrap, wet newspaper, feathers, small pebbles, a pillow or paint. ● Wet sand – stomp in the sand, squeeze it between toes and wriggle feet in it. This provides a great opportunity to explore the sense of touch and can lead to great conversations about what the sand feels like as they play with it. ● Block building – children can try and hold blocks between their feet and move them around. Can they walk with a block, or do they need to sit down and bum shuffle? Can they place one block on top of another using just their feet? ● Feet painting – this can get a bit slippery, so is best done outside on the grass. On a large sheet or tarp add blobs of paint on top. Kids can either walk slowly through the paint or sit on the edge and put their feet in and out of the paint. Toy Washing This is a popular sensory play activity, ideal for warm summer days, and easy to set up (plus you get your toys cleaned too!). It’s a great activity to develop their fine motor skills, helping hand strength and July 2024 { 41 }