Business Central October 2023

42 | FORESTRY NZ Forest Managers T T Tracey Edwards Climate change challenge for forests Production volumes have increased in the short term due to substantial wind damage from Cyclone Gabrielle but production will be adversely affected for the next few years. A two-way sustainable support system is generating healthy, thriving forests and communities. NZ Forest Managers undertakes day-to-day running of forests, from preparing the land and establishing a forest, through to harvest, marketing, and transportation to market. . “Our biggest clients are Māori land and forest owners, but we also manage forests for Timber Investment Management Organisations (TIMOS), the local district council, private landowners and the Crown, says Environmental Planner Jackie Egan. Privately owned, the Turangi-based company was established in 1989 by John Malcolm and Ian Newlands at the end of the NZ Forest Corporation days, as an independent forest management company. “Tupu Angitu Ltd (the commercial arm of the Lake Taupo Forest Trust) and the Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust, the owners of the largest forests we manage, jointly purchased the company from previous directors Chas Hutton and Ian Shapland in 2022 – this has been a long term aspiration of the forest owners. “Even though some forests are overseas owned, the management, crews and contractors are local, providing employment for our communities.” Climate change challenges When Cyclone Gabrielle hit in Feb 2023, forests managed by NZFM around Turangi sustained significant wind damage, with 6,500 hectares of standing trees affected. The company is now in a salvage harvest response mode. “When Cyclone Gabrielle took out bridges and roads across Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti, many harvesting crews were adversely impacted. NZFM enlisted available help from throughout the North Island. Our production volumes have increased significantly short T T to page 43 MCCARTHY TRANSPORT ARE PROUD TO SUPPORT NZ FOREST MANAGERS Mike McCarthy Mob: 027 750 9425 Proudly Supporting NZ Forest Managers P.O. Box 1531, Taupo. P (07) 378 9410 E sel oader@sel W sel Proud to support NZ Forest Managers for 30+ years