| 77 BUILDING Presidential Homes Designs are available with both gable and monopitch roofs and a variety of materials. Presidential Homes offers a variety of two, three and four bedroom homes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Palmerston North Flooring Xtra 686 Tremaine Avenue, Palmerston North E: palmerstonnorth@flooringxtra.co.nz P: (06) 357 0953 www.flooringxtra.co.nz Flooring to suit your style RUGS CARPET VINYL TIMBER LAMINATE PALMERSTON NORTH WE HAVE AN EXTENSIVE RANGE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS REMEMBER . . . “WE’LL SEE YOU RIGHT” The Team at Manawatu ITM Building Centre Call in and see your local owner/operator 51 Joseph Street, Palmerston North - 06 356 9490 Frame & Truss Plant 06 354 6582 Email sales@manawatuitm.co.nz MANAWATU