Swings + Roundabouts Summer 2023

YOU SO Reducing barriers for overseas teachers Several initiatives offered by the Ministry of Education make it easier for Early Learning Services to recruit teachers from overseas. The Overseas Finders Fee of $3,450 is available to off-set recruitment costs when employing a returning New Zealand teacher or internationally trained teacher. Each early learning centre can receive one Overseas Finders Fee grant a year. Early learning centres applying for an Overseas Finders Fee must have incurred costs (excluding travel) as part of the recruitment. Another popular initiative is the Overseas Relocation Grant, which provides up to $10,000 to returning New Zealand or internationally trained teachers toward the cost of relocating. Key eligibility criteria for both are that the teacher must be registered and certified by the Teaching Council of New Zealand and have a contract for at least 12 months in a school/kura or licensed early learning centre. The teacher cannot have taught in New Zealand in the 12 months before the start date of their new role. “Overseas teachers are an important part of our workforce, and we aim to reduce the barriers to choosing New Zealand as their preferred destination,” says Jolanda Meijer, General Manager, Education Workforce Supply & Leadership. “Teachers apply themselves for an Overseas Relocation Grant, but it is a handy incentive early learning services can promote during recruiting,” says Jolanda. For queries or help with overseas recruitment, email teacher. supply@education.govt.nz to find out how the Ministry’s ‘Navigator’ team can support you through the process. Meanwhile, the extension of funded International Qualifications Assessments (IQAs) for 1,200 overseas trained teachers means teachers will be $746 better off in the process of being able to teach in Aotearoa. Up to 200 funded Teaching IQAs will be accepted each month by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority until all 1,200 funded places are utilised. After this monthly limit, teachers with a job offer who require an urgent assessment can pay $746 for a regular Teaching IQA and then apply to recover this as part of an Overseas Relocation Grant. Alternatively, they can wait for the next monthly funded Teaching IQA allocation. For more information visit: ● ● Home | TeachNZ, www.teachnz.govt.nz ● ● Applying for an IQA to register as a teacher in New Zealand, go here, www2.nzqa.govt.nz/international/recogniseoverseas-qual/iqa/register-teacher/ December 2023 { 14 }