KNOW Kōwhiti Whakapae Kōwhiti Whakapae is the latest learning support available online for teachers. It is designed to help strengthen teaching, learning, and assessment practices for kaiako. The resource has been developed by ECE experts in their fields and includes explanations, samples, and helpful strategies. Kōwhiti Whakapae focuses on three areas across the strands of Te Whāriki: social & emotional, oral language & literacy, and maths. The social and emotional area is available now, with the oral language and literacy, and maths areas due to be released next year. You can find it here, Applications open for 2023/24 Early Reading Together® Early Reading Together® is a series of strength-based workshops for parents and whānau to learn strategies to positively support their children’s reading at home. Families taking part in Early Reading Together® will also receive sets of books to read with their children and practice the strategies they learned from the workshops. Interested in offering Early Reading Together® in 2023/24? Applications for funding are now open. Email to find out more and apply. Early learning services will have 10 weeks to deliver the programme if their application is successful. Further information about the programme can be found here, Reading-Together. If you miss out on the funding and would like to investigate further go here, December 2023 { 15 }